Auto-trol User Guides
Introducing ATLAS - Your First Step in Support ATLAS is the latest addition to our support team, designed to provide immediate, automated assistance. While our support portal has always been the go-to...
Overview This article describes the process of setting up LM_LICENSE_FILE for Windows and Unix System Administrators. Windows Administrators When you install the ATTClm server, in Windows, the...
Overview FLEXnet Publisher and ATTClm use the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE (Windows clients) or AT_LM_LICENSE_FILE (UNIX clients) to find which license server the client will connect to. Y...
This article describes the process to configure the License Manager as a Windows Service. Note: You must have administrator privileges to configure the License Manager as a service. Run <install_d...
This article describes the ATTClm directory structure for Windows. The attclm<x.x> directory, where <x.x> is the current ATTClm release number, contains the following: prodinfo.txt - This file conta...
This article describes the process of checking daemon status on Windows and UNIX platforms. Process Checking Windows Service Status To check the service status on Windows: Run <install_dir>\attc...
Overview This article provides information about common licensing issues and serves as a guide on how to troubleshoot their root causes. Information Verify that the license daemons/services (lm...