We are happy to share the release notes for the KONFIG 2018 Update 1
The main changes in this release include server-side and client-side certifications for newer technologies, updates to file handling, and improvements to various features.
- Server-side certification for Windows Server 2012 R2 x64, Oracle 12C x64, Tomcat 7, and Java 8 U60.
- Client-side certification with Windows 10 x64, IE 11, and Java 8 U60.
- Improvements on file attachment functionality, addressing issues where a previously selected file may attach automatically.
- Updating of the JAR signing certificate for extended validity.
Administrative Tasks
This release necessitates a database migration to Oracle 12C. Refer to the migration procedures in the Database Administration Guide.
Known Problems
Currently, there are no known problems identified with this release of KONFIG.
Supporting Software Requirements
Check the software requirements specific to components of KONFIG to ensure compatibility.
Priyanka Bhotika