We are happy to share the release notes for the Tech Illustrator 2018 Update 1.
Release Overview
Tech Illustrator 2018 Update 1 (June 2018) focuses on addressing issues reported by users of previous versions, including Tech Illustrator 2015, TI Plus, TI PE, and TI Express.
The main enhancements in this release involve new features and critical bug fixes to enhance the usability of the software.
New Features
- Crosshatch Properties Lookup: The LKE (Lookup Entity) command now allows users to retrieve crosshatch pattern properties such as name, angle, and scale by using new parameter names: ECH, ECHANGLE, ECHNAME, ECHSCALE.
- Writing Hatch Elements on CGM Files: Now when saving CGM drawings with crosshatch objects, hatch elements will be included to preserve their properties.
- Reading Hatch Elements: The software can now read hatch elements on a CGM file, preserving their properties when opened in Tech Illustrator.
Fixed Issues
Several key bugs and issues have been addressed:
- Resolved an issue with pattern fills and CGM format (ATCID-872).
- Fixed errors when opening CGM files (ATCID-1048).
- Corrected pattern line width inaccuracies (ATCID-1056) and border line handling (ATCID-1057).
- Updated the installer to remove outdated dependencies and add copyright details for 3rd party components.
Certified Platform
This version is certified for the following platforms:
- Windows 10 (32-bit, 64-bit)
- Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)
- Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
- Windows Server 2003 (32-bit, 64-bit)
Priyanka Bhotika